If your iCloud events disappeared from DAKboard and/or you are seeing an "Invalid" message or error icon next to your Apple/iCloud calendar URL, your URL could have been disabled and needs to be recreated. 

Regenerate your calendar URL:

Log in to your iCloud account at Click on the Calendar icon, and click on the sharing icon (which looks like a WiFi icon, or may look like a little person in a Circle depending on how you access your iCloud Calendar) next to your calendar name in the left column:

If Public Calendar is checked, uncheck it then click OK to unpublish the olde URL. Next, click on the sharing icon again and check the Public Calendar. This will generate a new URL. Click the Copy Link to copy it to your clipboard, and then paste this new URL into DAKboard. Make sure you leave the Public Calendar box checked or else the Link will be unpublished and will not work.

For more information please see our related article How to Add Your Apple iCloud Calendar to DAKboard.  You can paste the calendar link into your browser for testing at any time, if it does not download an ICS file it is no longer valid. If you are missing events that are marked Private, see our article Calendar Layouts and Settings for details on how to add these events.

Having Trouble?

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