DAKboard supports many different calendar layouts and settings for your Custom Screens in our Paid Subscriptions. Select the desired layout and settings in your Custom Screen settings, by accessing the Settings tab of the block editor to find the layouts:


Big Monthly: 

The Big Monthly calendar has large dates and can be set to show between 1 Week and up to 6 months(24 Weeks):


The Monthly calendar is more like a traditional paper calendar and can show between 1 Week and up to 6 months(24 Weeks):


The Agenda calendar features events in a vertical or horizontal list and can show between 1 day and up to 90 Days over the next 3 months(12 Weeks) with events or 1 day up to 3 months(12 Weeks) of dates, depending on how you set up the calendar. For Example, if you set this calendar to show Holidays it will show you the next number of Holidays based on the number of Days you want to show. So if you select 30, it will show the next 30 Holidays. However, if you only want to see the next month's worth of Holiday you can add the Show Every Day option (described below) to show the next 30 days in a row, including any Holiday that falls in that period:

Up Next: 

The Up Next calendar is a schedule-style calendar with a large "Up Next" section. This can show between 1 day and up to 90 Days over the next 3 months(12 Weeks) with events or 1 day up to 3 months(12 Weeks) of dates, depending on how you set up the calendar (See the example in the Agenda Calendar section above). This is ideal for conference room and meeting room schedules or keeping track of upcoming Doctor's appointments.


The Availability Calendar is a block style showing the current occupied/available status based on a calendar's events. It can also keep track of the events from 1 day and up to 3 months(12 Weeks):

Add multiple Availability calendar blocks to your screen to create a room availability display.


In addition to the many available layouts, there are lots of settings to further customize the calendar layouts. See the sample image from the Monthly Calendar Settings tab below:

All Calendar Types:

Some settings are shared between each Calendar type while others are only available on specific Calendars. Below is a list of the options available on all:

  • Weeks or Days to Show: This dropdown allows you to select how many days/weeks/months to show. What can be seen on your Display at once will be limited by the number of events, the size, and resolution of your Screen, as well as the Font Size in your Calendar block. With a Touchscreen or a Connected USB mouse, you will be able to scroll through most calendar types to see events that won't fit.
  • Alert Tone: This setting allows you to set a tone to sound when an event is about to start or has just started. You can set this for when the event starts, 5 or 10 minutes before the event starts.
  • Extra Info: The Extra Info section allows you to customize what events you can see, additional event info, and now a Weekly Weather Forecast. Some of these options are not available or are auto-selected in each calendar type, so check your Calendar to see the differences. Below is a full list of all of these options:
    • Location: If location information has been added to the event, and is shared by the API, ICS, or iCal links, then checking this will include it on the event
    • Hide Weekends(Only available on Monthly and Big Monthly blocks) This will remove Saturday and Sunday from your calendars. This is useful with Business calendars specifically.
    • Show Every Day: (Only available on the Agenda and Up Next blocks) This can be used to show all days in the timeframe you have set even if they don't have events.
    • Event End TimeIf your event has an end time, this will display it. This is especially useful for Multi-day events in the Monthly and Big Monthly calendars
    • Day X of Y: This will display a label on multi-day events to let you know how many days are left in the event. It will look something like this (Day 4/5).
    • Future Events Only: (Now works on all calendar types) This is on by default for Agenda, Availablity, and Up Next calendars. I cannot be turned off for Availablity or Up Next, but can be turned off for Agenda. When on, it will hide any events that have passed including events for the day you are on if you have passed the end time. When off it hides all events that have ended or were on past days. For the Agenda calendar, when it is off, it will show all events for the current day as the Agenda will not show past days. NOTE: Events will come off the calendar on the next Content Refresh after the event ends. This varies based on your subscription. Check out our article Content Refresh Rates to learn more
    • Calendar Legend: This will show a legend at the top of the calendar listing all calendar names and their associated colors. To learn how to set colors to your calendar, check out our article Assign a Unique Calendar Color to Each Calendar to learn more.
    • Show Private Events: (This is off by default) When unchecked this will hide any events that are marked as Private on your Calendars. By checking this you will be able to see all events marked as Private. If your newly added calendar events are missing, try enabling this.
    • Consolidate Events: (Not available for Weekly Calendar types. Is enabled by default) This option will consolidate any event with the same Event Name, Location, Start, and End times from different linked calendars on a single block into one event to save space. By unchecking this all duplicate events will show on the same date.
    • Weather Forcast: When checked this will add the current week's forecast to your Calendar. Just check it and enter your location to include your forecast.


The additional settings available for Agenda calendars are listed below:

  • Offset: This allows you to Offset the start point of the calendar by a selected number of weeks within the Range of the Calendar. This is useful if you want to set up an agenda calendar showing what is coming upon a later week without having the calendar scroll.
  • Alignment: This will allow you to set the calendar view automatically based on the size of the block, or manually to be either Vertical or Horizontal.
  • Scrolling: This will allow the calendar to scroll from the bottom to the top of the Block. This works best when the calendar is set in Vertical mode as it will continue to scroll through for the length of time you have the Calendar set to view.
  • Extra Info > Event Description: This can be turned on to display your Event Summary section from your calendar. If your Calendar service shares this information with us it will be displayed below your event title.

Monthly and Big Monthly:

The additional settings available for Monthly and Big Monthly calendars are listed below:

  • Offset: This allows you to Offset the start point of the calendar by a selected number of weeks within the Range of the Calendar. This is useful if you want to set up an agenda calendar showing what is coming upon a later week without having the calendar scroll.
  • Calendar Style: This allows you to set the view between a Full Month or Rolling Month View. Both Views will show the month in a Paper Calendar style. The Full Month view will show all the weeks of the month that fit within your block. The Rolling Month will show the current week and all following weeks that will fit in a block while hiding the weeks that have already passed.
  • Week Start: This allows you to set the starting day of your week to be either Sunday or Monday.
  • Extra Info > Week Number: This will place the Week's Number at the beginning of each week

Up Next:

The additional settings available for Up Next calendars are listed below:

  • Scrolling: This will allow the calendar to scroll from the bottom to the top of the Block. This works best when the calendar is set in Vertical mode as it will continue to scroll through for the length of time you have the Calendar set to view.
  • Extra Info > Event Description: This can be turned on to display your Event Summary section from your calendar. If your Calendar service shares this information with us it will be displayed below your event title.


The additional settings available for Weekly calendars are listed below:

  • Calendar Style: This allows you to set the view between a Full Week or Rolling Week View. Both Views will show the Week, where the Full Week shows all the days, and a Rolling Week only shows from the current day forward to the limit of the number of days you have selected.
  • Week Start: This allows you to set the starting day of your week to be either Sunday or Monday.
  • Hours to Show: This allows you to set the number of hours to show in your weekly calendar. You can use this to focus on the busy hours of the day and exclude any hours you won't be scheduling.


The additional settings for the Availability calendars are listed below:

  • Extra Info > Event Description: This can be turned on to display your Event Summary section from your calendar. If your Calendar service shares this information with us it will be displayed below your event title.

Noteworthy Items:

Our Calendars have some items worth mentioning that you will not see in other calendar types. Below is a list of them:

  • All-day/Multiple-day Events: You may have noticed in the Monthly and Big Monthly calendars that All-day and Multiple-day Events can be distinguished by the way they look. For both, there will be a block matching the color you have set for your calendar with the event text being white on top of this. We did this so you could easily distinguish them from other events. At this time there is no way to disable or hide this. If you want to hide these events you can set them as Private in your calendar and make sure View Private Events is disabled, or if you want to see them but without the background, you can add a start and end time to the event.
  • Additional Color Controls: In addition to utilizing the Colors being sent by Authenticated accounts (Google and Microsoft) we have now added the ability to set colors on your DAKboard Screen. This will allow you to customize the colors further than what we can receive from these accounts. Check out our article Assign a Unique Calendar Color to Each Calendar to learn more about colors and calendars.
  • Naming your Calendar Blocks: On Custom Screens you can place a Name on each calendar block you have on the Screen. This is useful if you want to set up individual calendars for each member of your family. This Calendar Name can be turned on/off in the Formatting Tab under Block Title and can be toggled by clicking the View Icon.
  • Naming, adding Color, and adding Icons to ICS or iCal calendar Links: For ICS or iCal links you can also add a name to the Calendar, set a Color for it, and even add an Icon to it to make it distinct. See below:

Helpful Articles:

Having trouble?  See if these articles help.

How to Add a Calendar Block to your DAKboard Screen

How to Use the Predefined Screen Editor

How to Use the Custom Screen Live Editor

Assign a Unique Calendar Color to Each Calendar

How to Add an ICS/iCal Calendar to DAKboard