As with all modern computers and internet devices, upgrades will be needed occasionally. Upgrading your older devices will allow them to take advantage of advanced security options, improved network management, replace the outdated serial number system to breathe new life into your older devices, as well as newer features that cannot be supported by out-of-date software. This is especially helpful if you have an older model or a second-hand DAKboard display that is still registered to an old account or cannot connect to our services due to security updates, as it will remove the old serial number and allow you to set the display up as a new device.

With the current iteration of the DAKboard OS, this will require you to access the SD card in your display and either upgrade it or replace it. This article is to help you determine which device you have, how to access the SD card within it, and to supply you with methods to upgrade or replace it.

Identifying your CPU or Wall Display:

Over the years, DAKboard has had several designs of our CPUs and Wall Displays. In this section, we will help you identify which model you have and supply you with links to the articles you will need to access the SD cards.


DAKboard CPUs come in various designs and from a couple of Micro-Computer sources. Currently, we have the following Models:

CPU Mini: 

The Mini came in two different forms. Both are built on the Raspberry Pi Zero 2W. The original Mini and the New Mini are pictured below.

Original Mini:

With the Original Mini, you will need a Phillips head screwdriver to release the door that the SD card is behind. Once opened, carefully remove the SD card and upgrade or replace it.

You can upgrade it or replace it using the links in the section Upgrading or Replacing the SD Card below.

New Mini:

With the New Mini, you can access the SD card by prying the case open at the HDMI port. The case will come apart easily. Once opened, carefully remove the SD card and upgrade or replace it. 

You can upgrade it or replace it using the links in the section Upgrading or Replacing the SD Card below.

CPU v4:

The CPU v4, pictured below, has the SD card accessible from the outside. The SD card is located on the bottom side, opposite the USB ports, and can be simply pulled out. This is built on a Raspberry Pi 4B.

You can upgrade it or replace it using the links in the section Upgrading or Replacing the SD Card below.

CPU v5:

The CPU v5, pictured below, has the SD card accessible from the outside. The SD card is located on the bottom side, opposite the USB ports, and can be simply pulled out. This is built on a Raspberry Pi 5.

You can upgrade it or replace it using the links in the section Upgrading or Replacing the SD Card below.

Previous CPU Models include the following:

CPU v3 (Orange Pi Edition):

The latest version of the CPU v3, pictured below, was made using the Orange Pi 3LTS micro-computer. This is the only model CPU v3 we made using this computer. The SD card is located on the bottom side, opposite the USB ports. To remove it, you will need to press it in until you hear a click, then release it to pop it out. 

You can upgrade it or replace it using the links in the section Upgrading or Replacing the SD Card below.

CPU v3 (Raspberry Pi Editions):

Raspberry Pi 3B:

The CPU v3, built on the Raspberry Pi 3B, pictured below, has the SD card accessible from the outside. The SD card is located on the bottom side, opposite the USB ports, and can be simply pulled out. 

You can upgrade it or replace it using the links in the section Upgrading or Replacing the SD Card below.

Raspberry Pi 3B+:

The CPU v3, built on the Raspberry Pi 3B+, pictured below, has the SD card accessible from the outside. The SD card is located on the bottom side, opposite the USB ports, and can be simply pulled out. 

You can upgrade it or replace it using the links in the section Upgrading or Replacing the SD Card below.

Current Wall Displays:

DAKboard Wall Displays come in various designs and from a couple of Micro-Computer sources. Currently, we have the following Model:

Wall Display 27:

For the Wall Display 27, pictured below, and the V2 Plus models built mid-2022 and newer, we made it easy to access the SD card. For these models, there is a sticker on the back that, when peeled back, exposes the SD card. See our article Wall Display 27 and V2 Plus (Mid-2022 and Newer) SD Card Replacement for details on how to perform this replacement. 

You can upgrade it or replace it using the links in the section Upgrading or Replacing the SD Card below.

Wall Display Touch 22:

For the Wall Display Touch 22,  pictured below, the SD card is located inside the Display. To access this, you will need to open the back. Our article DAKboard Touch 22 SD Card Replacement will show you how to open this Display and access the SD card.

You can upgrade it or replace it using the links in the section Upgrading or Replacing the SD Card below.

Previous Wall Display Models include the following:

AOC Wall Display:

The AOC Wall Display is our original model display. For this model, pictured below, the SD card is relatively easy to access. See our article AOC SD Card Replacement to see how to access this. 

You can upgrade it or replace it using the links in the section Upgrading or Replacing the SD Card below.

DELL Wall Display 27":

The original 27" Wall Display was built using Dell Monitors. For this model, pictured below, you can use our article Dell 27" Wall Display SD Card replacement to find and access the SD card.

You can upgrade it or replace it using the links in the section Upgrading or Replacing the SD Card below.

V2 and V2 Plus Wall Displays:

The V2 and V2 Plus Wall Displays, pictured below, have been around since 2018. These models were finally discontinued in September 2023 when the manufacturer of the monitor ended their run. Most of these models can be upgraded using the article V2 and V2 Plus SD Card Replacement, however, for models produced mid-2022 and newer, you can use this article instead: Wall Display 27 and V2 Plus (Mid-2022 and Newer) SD Card Replacement.

You can upgrade it or replace it using the links in the section Upgrading or Replacing the SD Card below.

DAKboard Mirror Display:

For a short time, we produced a Mirror Display version of the DAKboard Wall Displays. This display, pictured below, has a door on the back that can be opened to access the Raspberry Pi Computer contained within it. This is where the SD card is located and can be removed for the upgrade. See our article DAKboard Mirror Display SD Card Replacement for details on how to remove this.

You can upgrade it or replace it using the links in the section Upgrading or Replacing the SD Card below.

Reseller Models:

DAKboard does not have details on our reseller models. Most of these can be identified as they will have Wooden Frames around them. For these models, you may have to open the back of the Display to access the CPU containing the SD card. Some models will have Orange Pi 3LTS computers, while others will have Raspberry Pi computers. For details on what your Display is using or where the Pi computer is located, reach out to the reseller, as they will have full details on how to access them.

Upgrading or Replacing the SD Card:

Depending on which CPU your Display is using, it will determine the steps you need to take to get your Display upgraded. All models produced before December 2022 have Raspberry Pi Computers. After that time, the Orange Pi 3LTS was used in the DAKboard CPU v3 and a select few V2 Plus Wall Displays. These models can be identified when starting it by the Orange Slice image that loads before the DAKboard Loading Screens. 

To upgrade your CPU or Wall Display, first identify if you need the Raspberry Pi or Orange Pi OS, then use the guides linked above or follow the steps to access and remove the existing SD card from your CPU or Wall Display. You can then use one of the links below to learn how to upgrade your OS yourself:

Raspberry Pi - Download and Install the DAKboard OS

Orange Pi - Download and Install DAKboard OS

If you prefer not to upgrade the existing SD card, we also offer Preloaded SD cards in our Shop. You can purchase them there and simply replace the card instead.

Once you complete the upgrade, delete the old Display from your Displays & Devices page. You can do this by clicking the three dots to the right of the Display and selecting Remove Device. Do not worry; this will not affect your Screens, only the Display. Then, follow the steps in the article below for CPUs or Wall Displays to connect your newly upgraded DAKboard OS device:

Setup - DAKboard CPU/Micro SD Card

Setup - DAKboard Wall/Mirror Display

Helpful Articles:

Having trouble?  See if these articles help:

Wall Display 27 and V2 Plus (Mid-2022 and Newer) SD Card Replacement

V2 and V2 Plus SD Card Replacement

DAKboard Touch 22 SD Card Replacement

DAKboard Mirror Display SD Card Replacement

AOC SD Card Replacement

Dell 27" Wall Display SD Card replacement

Raspberry Pi - Download and Install the DAKboard OS

Orange Pi - Download and Install DAKboard OS

Setup - DAKboard CPU/Micro SD Card

Setup - DAKboard Wall/Mirror Display