SD Card Replacement:

The following applies to all DAKboard Wall Display 27 and V2 Plus models made from Mid-2022 and newer that have an access hole on the back of the display, covered by a circular sticker.

1. Disconnect power and place the Wall Display face down on soft material:

2. Carefully remove the circular sticker. Place it somewhere safe temporarily if you do not have a replacement.  This will reveal the underside of the Raspberry Pi computer inside of the Wall Display, and the SD card in the slot.:

3. The SD card is held in place by a spring mechanism and will release if pulled straight towards the top of the monitor and out the back.  We find that using your thumb and pinky finger is the easiest, or use a set of needle nose pliers.  Take extreme care to not drop the SD card.  See the SD Card Removal Video file attached to this article to see it removed. Some Model V2 Plus displays may have the Orange Pi 3LTS. You can distinguish this model from the standard because the SD card needs to be pressed in to release it. 

4.  Installation of the SD card is largely the reverse, taking extreme care to not drop the SD card into the Wall Display.  See the SD Card Install Video file attached to this article to see it installed.

5. Once installed, you can replace the black sticker and power on the Wall Display.

Helpful Articles:

Having trouble?  See if these articles help:

Wall Display 27 and V2 Plus (Mid-2022 and Newer) SD Card Replacement

V2 and V2 Plus SD Card Replacement

DAKboard Touch 22 SD Card Replacement

DAKboard Mirror Display SD Card Replacement

AOC SD Card Replacement

Dell 27" Wall Display SD Card replacement

Raspberry Pi - Download and Install the DAKboard OS

Orange Pi - Download and Install DAKboard OS

Setup - DAKboard CPU/Micro SD Card

Setup - DAKboard Wall/Mirror Display