With DAKboard adding your Calendars is easy. This article is to help add your Holiday Calendars.
Google Holiday Calendar:
With your Google Calendar, a Sub-Calendar will automatically be available. Simply left-click the Holiday Calendar to add it to the block.

You can also take this time to add an ICON or change the color of the Calendar.
Using an ICS/iCal calendar URL:

The example below is to add a US Holidays calendar to DAKboard. Copy the URL you want to use or the one we have listed below:
There are many other countries' holiday calendars available here: Find the calendar you're looking for then copy the calendar URL.
Back on DAKboard, edit the calendar block and add a iCAL/ICS Link calendar type and paste in the copied URL:
You can also take this time to assign a color, a name, or even an ICON to the calendar. Once you are all set, save your changes, and preview your screen to see the holidays on DAKboard.
Helpful Articles:
Having trouble? See if these articles help.
How to Add a Calendar Block to your DAKboard Screen
How to Use the Predefined Screen Editor
How to Use the Custom Screen Live Editor