With a Paid Subscription and Custom Screen, you can use the Website/iFrame block to display your Excel or PowerPoint on DAKboard. This article will show you how to set this up.

Add Microsoft 365 Excel Sheet to DAKboard:

Log into your Office 365 and access the desired Excel sheet you wish to embed.  This will only work with Online saved spreadsheets stored in your One Drive. In your sheet click File->Share->Embed

You will need to generate your HTML Code from the pop-up modal as seen below:

Copy the Embed Code from the pop-up modal.  Take note of the various display options given and configure your expected sheet and configuration:

In your screen editor on, add an iframe/site block and add the URL portion of the embed code. This is the section in between the quotes starting with https://:

The DAKboard screen will now display the sheet:

Add Microsoft 365 PowerPoint to DAKboard:

Log into your Office 365 and access the desired PowerPoint you wish to embed. This will only work with Online saved PowerPoint stored in your One Drive.  In your sheet click File->Share->Embed

You will need to generate your HTML Code from the pop-up modal as seen below:

Copy the Embed Code from the pop-up modal.  Take note of the various display options given and set them accordingly:

In your screen editor on, add an iframe/site block and add the URL portion of the embed code. This is the section in between the quotes starting with https://:

The DAKboard screen will now display the PowerPoint. You can control starting Stopping or Autoplay from the PowerPoint in your 365 account:



You will need to have permission to embed the data from the account. If you are the account holder and the steps below do not work, check out the article Embed your Excel workbook on your web page or blog from SharePoint or OneDrive for Business to learn how to allow this.

If you are not the account holder or this is a corporate account, reach out to your IT team and ask if they can set these permissions.

Useful Information:

Below are a few links you might find helpful

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