With our releases of RPi version 3.30 and OPi version 103.30, we have now included an SSL configuration and the ability to turn on and off SSH access. As always, access to your DAKboard OS device can only be done from within the same network, so you cannot access it unless you are in the same building on the same network. The SSL and SSH controls are in the Advanced Section of your Settings page and should only be enabled after the initial setup. This article will explain what this access is, how to set it up, and how to take advantage of the SSH capabilities.

NOTE: SSH access should only be used by Advanced users as any changes to the OS may affect the performance of the device and could lead to the OS being corrupted. The Factory Reset will not correct some issues that can be created when using SSH, and only a reimaging of the OS will.

SSL Configuration:

Some of our users requested a method to make their DAKboard devices more secure within their networks. Because of this, we added Secure Socket Layer (SSL) access to our OS versions 3.20 and 103.20 and above. This is an Advanced feature that allows you to set a Password on your DAKboard OS device that is different than the Default one and sets up Encrypted data communication to your DAKboard OS device and is required to enable SSH access. Once this is activated, the Password you create will be the one you will need to use to access the settings page from that point forward.

To set up your SSL password in your DAKboard account, click on Displays & Devices, then click the three dots next to the desired display and select Settings:

Scroll down and select View Device Settings:

NOTE: The View Device Settings button will work if your DAKboard OS device has been successfully registered to your account, you are using a device that is on the same WiFi or Ethernet network as the DAKboard OS device, and your device is not offline. If your Display failed to register when you set it up, see our article How to Register Your DAKboard OS Device to learn how to correct this. If you are connecting to it from a different network, you will need to connect to the same network. If your Display is currently offline, you will have to use one of the options mentioned above in this article to access the page.

On the Device Settings page, scroll to the bottom and click on the Advanced Section to expand this region. From there, click on the Enable SSL button as seen below:

This will trigger a reboot of your device and will enable SSL encryption. Once your device reboots, log back into the Settings page and proceed to the Settings page again. 

NOTE: You will see a Privacy Error when you click the View Device Settings button, as seen below:

Just click the Advanced button, then click Proceed to the device to set your personalized password.

For versions 3.20 to 3.21 of the RPi OS and 103.20 to 103.24 of the OPi OS, your Username will be admin when logging into your device. For RPi version 3.30 to 3.42, the Username will be pi. For the OPi version 103.31 to 103.41, the Username will be orangepi. For all versions of RPI or OPI 3.51 and above, the Username will be dakboard. This will be displayed while you set up your password, as seen below:

Create and confirm your new password, then click Save Changes or Save and Reboot to apply the new password. Once this is done, when logging into the device, you will be required to use the Username dakboard, orangepi, or pi depending on which version of the OS you are using, and the Password you created to access it. If you want to disable SSL at any time, simply log into your Device, scroll to the Advanced section, and click Disable SSL. This will trigger a reboot of your device, remove your custom password, and disable SSH for you as well if it was enabled.

Do not forget these credentials. If you forget your password, you can use the steps below to reset it:

Resetting the Password:

There are two methods to access the settings page and reset your credentials. As with above, this is version-specific, so you will need to use the steps for the version of the OS you are using. For Versions RPi 3.30 to 3.40 and OPi version 103.30 to 103.40, you will need to reimage your OS to regain access. You can use the links below to upgrade your DAKboard OS, or you can purchase a preloaded SD card from our Shop.

Orange Pi - Download and Install DAKboard OS

Raspberry Pi - Download and Install the DAKboard OS

For OS versions 3.41 and 103.41 and above, you now can access your Settings page via Localhost. To do this, you will need to be a Paid Subscriber and have a Custom Screen you can link to your Display and use a Button Block on this Screen. This can bypass your SSL access and allow you to reset your device to Factory Settings if you forget your password. 

To complete this method, open your Custom Screen and click the Add A Block button. Search for Button and add this block. Open the Block editor and use the URL option. Add the URL http://localhost and set a name to your Button. Then refresh your Display using the Refresh Displays button to the right of the Add A Block button. This will push the new button to your screen, and you can then click it using an attached USB mouse or Touchscreen. This will open the settings page and allow you to change the Password or make changes to your Display.

NOTE: The button method will allow anyone with physical access to your display the ability to bypass your SSL security and make changes to your Display. It is recommended that you disable or remove this button from your Screen when you are not using it to make changes to your password.

SSH Configuration:

NOTE: SSL must be configured first before you can enable SSH.

To set up SSH, log back into your Settings page as described above, scroll down to the Advanced section, check the box next to Enable SSH, and click Save Changes. See below:

Once this is done, your SSH credentials will be the same as your Device Settings credentials. From here, use whatever service you would like to SSH to your DAKboard device and log in using those credentials. Again, this access is only available if you are on the same network as your DAKboard OS device.

NOTE: If you are receiving a prompt to use a Username and Password when clicking View Device Settings, this is because you have enabled SSL and set a password for your device. Review this article to determine which username you will need, and use the password you set when you added this feature.