If you're not seeing the proper screen on your DAKboard OS Device or if the wrong screen is Displaying on your Android Phone App or Amazon  App for Fire TV and Firestick TV, there are a few things to check and confirm. 

Assign the Desired Screen:

For DAKboard OS devices, in your DAKboard account, under "Displays & Devices", make sure the proper screen is assigned to the device. See below:

If the wrong screen is showing here, click the image in the Assigned Screen column, then from the pop-up menu select the desired screen to show on the device and save changes. Changes will apply to your display within a few seconds to a few minutes.

For the DAKboard Android Phone APP and the Amazon App for Fire TV and Firestick, you will need to set your Default Screen to the desired Screen. Use the article DAKboard Android Phone APP in the section called Changing the Default Display Screen to see how to make this change.

Restart the Device:

If the proper screen has been assigned as above, try restarting the device by unplugging the power and plugging it back in. When the device starts back up, it will refresh and begin showing the correct screen. 

Update the Private URL:

If the prior steps still have not resolved the issue, you may need to update the Private URL on your DAKboard device. The Private URL should be the Display URL. If it is set to anything else, your Display may not work. We have instructions for doing so in the following article: 

Using the Display URL on DAKboard OS, Wall Display, or CPU


403 Error: If you are seeing a 403 error, this means the Screen, Loop, or Schedule you have selected is not available at your Subscription level. The Predefined Screen is the only screen you can use with the Free Account. Custom Screens can be used at any Paid Subscription level. Loops and Schedules are only available on the Plus and Pro plan levels. Check your Subscription level and confirm you can use the selected Screen, Loop, or Schedule.

Predefined Screen not Working: This should never happen when using a DAKboard OS device, however, it can happen if you manually load the URL into the DAKboard OS device (as seen in the article Using the Display URL on DAKboard OS, Wall Display, or CPU) or when trying to use this on a non-DAKboard OS device.


If you manually added it to your DAKboard OS device, use the article mentioned to change it back to the Display URL. The Private URL in the DAKboard OS should only be used for troubleshooting issues and when directed to do so by a DAKboard Support Engineer.

If this is happening on a non-DAKBoard OS device, you will not be able to use the Predefined Screen on that device. This happens due to how the URL is generated for the Predefined Screen and it may not be supported by the browser in your device. The only way to use this would be to use another device or a DAKboard OS device from our Shop.

Having Trouble?

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