Transforming your digital display into a dynamic photo showcase is simpler than ever with DAKboard's Microsoft Onedrive integration. By connecting these powerful platforms, you can showcase your favorite memories and create stunning visual displays in just a few clicks. Here is how you can bring your photos to life on your DAKboard display.
Adding Microsoft Onedrive Account:
Start by logging into your account and selecting the Screen you want to add Microsoft Onedrive to. You can add this source to your Predefined or Custom Screens. See our article How To Add Photos To Your DAKboard Screen to see how to do this. Once the block is added you will need to Authorize your Microsoft Onedrive Account. On the Predefined Screen click the Authorize Your Microsoft Onedrive Account button seen below:
With the Custom Screen, you will click the Authorize Your Microsoft Onedrive Account button:
This will trigger a new tab opening to the Microsoft authorization page. Select your Microsoft account from the options presented.
Depending on how you have your Microsoft account set up, you may have to confirm with an authenticator to complete the setup. Once authorized, simply close the authorization tab, and you're ready to start configuring your photo display.
Selecting Albums:
Now that your account(s) are connected, it's time to select the account and the album you wish to view. On your Predefined Screen, you can select from any of your linked Onedrive accounts and all of the Albums in that linked account. On the Predefined Screen, it looks like this:
Make sure to click the Save Changes button before leaving this tab.
With the Custom Screen, you can select the Onedrive account, and then see another dropdown menu where you can choose specific albums to display. In the Custom Screen Photo Block Editor it will look like this:
With the Custom Screen, you will see a hierarchy of folders that you can expand to select the specific folder you wish to view. You will only see the photos from the selected album. To change albums just click where it says Click to Change to reopen the hierarchy to choose the new folder. See below:
Once you've made your selection, don't forget to click Save to apply your changes.
Helpful Articles:
Below are a list of articles you may find helpful when setting up your Photo Blocks:
How To Add Photos To Your DAKboard Screen
How to Use the Predefined Screen Editor
How to Use the Custom Screen Live Editor
Remove or Reauthorizing External Apps