With the new E-Mail Block, you can now see a count of the Unread E-Mails in your Google account. This will help let you know when you have emails piling up. This article will help you set up this block in your Custom Screen.

Adding Your E-Mail Count Block

Open the Custom Screen Editor for the Screen you want to see your count on. Click the Add A Block button and navigate to the Messaging section or search for email to add the block. See below:

Once added, you can link your Gmail Accounts to your Screen by clicking on the Connect to Gmail button seen below:

This will take you to your Google Account selection page:

Once you select your account, click Continue to proceed to the Permissions Page:

Make sure you accept all the required permissions and click Continue:

Then click the Close Tab button to return to your DAKboard Account:

Then proceed with setting up your email block.

Settings Tab:

With the settings tab, you can choose the email account you want and add some flair to your block. See below:

With the Optional Settings, you can add a Title to the block, a Subtitle, and even an Icon. Once you have these set, save your changes and keep track of how many unread emails you have:

Rules Tab:

With the Rules Tab, you can add effects to your Email Block to alert you when certain thresholds have been reached. See below:

In my example, while your Email count is between 1 and 10, the text will be Green; when it is between 11 and 20, the color will be Yellow; when it is between 20 and 51, the color will be Red; and when it is 51 and above the text will be Black, and its background will be Red as seen below:

These rules will make your count block appear more dynamic. It works by making a series of IF/THEN statements and utilizing the options dropdowns in each section. Below is a list of the Options available:

For the IF statements:

  • Equals
  • Is not Equal
  • Is Less Than
  • Is Greater Than
  • Starts With
  • Contains
  • Ends With

For the THEN statements:

  • Set Text Color
  • Set Background Color
  • Set Icon
  • Set Value
  • Hide Value

With the THEN statements, you can also click the AND button to add multiple conditions.

Formatting Tab:

With the Formatting Tab, you can now modify the look of your Block further. These options are detailed below:

  • Number Format: With this, you can set the Format your Numbers will be viewed as. 
  • Text: This allows you to select the Size and Color of the Icon.
  • Background: This option allows you to fill the background of your block with a color and/or add blurring effects to it.
  • Block Title: This allows you to put a title to your block. This can be used to target your block for use with Custom CSS or just to identify the block.
  • Advanced: The Advanced dropdown includes new block placement, block shaping, and the Link Block options. See our article Advanced Features of the Custom Screen Editor for further details.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Below are the most Frequently Asked Questions about the Exchange Rate Block.

Why does it Only Show a Count of Unread Emails?

This is because the API will not allow us to download further data. We can only produce a count of the emails that are Unread in any of the Folders in your Google Account.

How do I set a Rule to Change States Between Two values?

In the Example above, we showed how to do this. For example, if you want to have a rule change something between 1 and 10 emails, set the IF value to Is Less Than 11. If you then want the next to be emails 11 to 20, set the next rule IF value to be Is Greater Than 10, and the rule after that to be Is Greater Than 19 as seen below:

Setting the first to be Is Less Than 11 means all emails 10 and lower will match the first condition, the second to Is Greater Than 10 will make all values above 10 (11 and up) match the second condition, and to stop it at 20, setting the third IF statement to Is Greater Than 19 will stop the second condition at 19 and apply the third condition to all values above 19 (20 and above).

Helpful Articles:

Having trouble?  See if these articles help.

How to Use the Custom Screen Live Editor
Advanced Features of the Custom Screen Editor

Content Scheduling