Do you need a Budget? With DAKboard, you can integrate with your You Need A Budget account with the YNAB Block on your Custom Screens. This article will show you how.

Adding a YNAB Block:

To add a YNAB block to your custom screen, select Add a Block while editing your custom screen and search for YNAB under the Financial section as seen below:

Once you have added the block to your Screen, connect your YNAB account by clicking the Connect to YNAB button in your block editor Settings Tab. See below:

This will open the YNAB login page, as seen below:

Log into your account, and you will be presented with the Authorization Page seen below:

Select the Budget you want to view and click Authorize to link your account. If the authentication is successful, you will receive the following Screen:

Click the close Tab button to be returned to your Custom Screen. Refresh your Custom Screens page, then open your Block Editor tab, select your YNAB Account, and proceed with setting up your Block. See below:

Make sure to save your changes and enjoy your YNAB account at a glance on your DAKboard Display:

Settings Tab:

With the Settings Tab, you have several options you can use to personalize your block. You can choose between a Progress Bar, a Spending Pie chart, or a Data Table to display on your Screen. Each of these has subcategories you can select from to display your data. See each of these detailed below:

Progress Bar:

With the Progress Bar, you can set up a Graph to show you the progress in your selected Groups. You can set your Progress Type as Goal, Budget, or Spending, select which month in the past or present you wish to view, and select specific Groups you wish to Graph. See below:

Spending Pie:

With the Spending Pie option, you can create a Pie Chart to show your spending habits. You can select the month and the Groups you want to see in the chart. You can select from a Single Group on your budget or choose to view all the Groups. See below:

Data Table:

With the Data Table, you can create a Table to show your current states from the selected Data Points. You can select the Type of Account, Category, or Month, choose where the Data is to come from in your account, and choose the Data Points you wish to view. See below:

Formatting Tab:

As with most blocks, the Formatting Tab allows you to make adjustments to your Text, Colors, Background settings, and add a Title to your block. With the YNAB block, you asl can set the Date Format you wish to use. See below:

The Advanced dropdown has links to special formatting you can do with your blocks. To learn more about this, check out our article Advanced Features of the Custom Screen Editor.

Schedule Tab:

This tab allows you to schedule when you can see this block. See our article Content Scheduling to learn how to use this tool.

Helpful Articles:

Having trouble?  See if these articles help.

How to Use the Custom Screen Live Editor
Advanced Features of the Custom Screen Editor

Content Scheduling