With DAKboard Custom Screens and the Exchange Rate Block, you can now track the current Exchange rates for your favorite currencies or cryptocurrencies. This article will help you set up the Exchange Rate Block with your DAKboard Displays.

Adding the Exchange Rate Block:

To add your Exchange Rate Block, open the Custom Screen Editor, click the Add A Block button, and select the Financial section or search for Exchange. From there, select the Exchange Rate Block, as seen below:

Once added, you can choose the Base Currency you want to exchange from, add a list of currencies you want to track, and select from several optional settings to customize the block. See below:

Make sure to save your changes to apply them to the Screen.

Settings Tab:

With your Exchange Rate Block, you have several settings you can add to your block. They are detailed below:

  • Base Currency: This is the currency the exchange rate will be based on.
  • Exchange Rates: These will be the exchange rates you will be tracking.
  • Currency CodeThis shows the currency code for the selected currency. This is a three-letter format representing the country of origin or the Crypto source.
  • Currency NameThis shows the currency name for the selected currency. This is the name of the country of origin or the Crypto source.
  • Country Flag: This will show the country of origin's flag or the icon that represents the Cryptocurrency.
  • Scrolling: This will make your selected currencies scroll from right to left or bottom to top of the block, depending on how you size your Exchange Rate Block.

Formatting Tab:

With the Formatting Tab, you can now modify the look of your Block further. These options are detailed below:

  • Text: This allows you to select the Size and Color of the Icon.
  • Background: This option allows you to fill the background of your block with a color and/or add blurring effects to it.
  • Block Title: This allows you to put a title to your block. This can be used to target your block for use with Custom CSS or just to identify the block.
  • Advanced: The Advanced dropdown includes new block placement, block shaping, and the Link Block options. See our article Advanced Features of the Custom Screen Editor for further details.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Below are the most Frequently Asked Questions about the Exchange Rate Block.

How Often Does the Exchange Rate Block Update?

Exchange rates are updated every 30 minutes and should not be used for real-time applications. See our article Content and Screen Refresh Rates for more details.

Who Provides Your Cryptocurrency Data?

Cryptocurrency data provided by cryptocompare.com.

Helpful Articles:

Having trouble?  See if these articles help.

How to Use the Custom Screen Live Editor
Advanced Features of the Custom Screen Editor

Content Scheduling

Content and Screen Refresh Rates