You may know about DAKboard's Weather forecasts, but did you know we have other Weather Services? With your Paid subscription, you can select any of these additional items for your Custom Screens. Just click the Add A Block button in your Custom Screen editor, click on the Weather section, and select the block from the list below:

Check out this article to learn more about each of these services.

Atmospheric Maps:

The Atmospheric Map block allows you to view an animated map of changes in the atmosphere. You can select between Wind Speed, Temperature, and UV (Ultraviolet) Index/ EDR (Eddy Dissipation Rate) for your overlay on your block. Put the location into your Settings and Zoom in or out to set up your Display. See the settings below:

Once set up your block will look something like this:

Weather Alerts:

The Weather Alerts block can be used with the WeatherBit or Apple Weather services to alert you to extreme weather conditions near you. There are several options you can set for this block. Once you pick a Weather Alert Source and set your location, you can choose between Fahrenheit or CelsiusIf you want the message to be Translucent or Opaque, and show the Most Recent alert or All alerts. You can also have the message be in a Condensed View, and use a Test Message to best fit the block to your Screen. See below:

Your alerts will look similar to the sample below:

You can size your block and place it anywhere you like. It will disappear when there are no alerts and appear when there are so you can make it centralized in your Display to stick out when an alert happens.

Ocean Tides:

The Ocean Tides block can be used to track the tides nearest you. You can choose from Stormglass or NOAA stations. With Stormglass enter your address and the nearest station will be selected for you. With NOAA we have links to their site in the block where you can pick a station near you. Once your station is selected you have several options you can add to your block. You can set up a Tide Forcast (if your selected station supports it), you can select to have a Text Summary of the Tide information, include the Tide Heights, and even show a graphical representation of the last 24 hours' tide data. See below:

Your Tide block will look something like this, with all the options selected:

Air Quality:

The Air Quality block lets you view the AQI (Air Quality Index) for the weather station nearest to you that supplies that information. You can add the AQI by your location or by a Station ID. Once selected you can add the Location of the station you are connected to, show the measurement units, or even condense the view with the option settings. See below:

Your block will look something like this with all the options selected:

You can also add your location by the Station ID. To find your nearest station, visit the site we get the data from below:

From here, enter your City's name, click on any of the results to open the Site Map, and select the station nearest your home. The ID will be the numerical value and the @ symbol for the URL of the station. See my example below:

East Syracuse, New York URL:

You can enter this as seen below: