With the Metrics Data block, Plus and Pro subscribers can publish metrics directly to DAKboard. Unlike Fetch, with DAKboard Metrics you do not need to maintain an internet-accessible endpoint.

Posting Metrics with the API:

To post Metrics, you will use the DAKboard API. First, you will need to generate an API Key. To do this log in to your DAKboard account, click on the Account & Settings dropdown in the upper right of your screen, then click API Keys:

And then click ADD API KEY to generate your key:

NOTE: Do not share this key. This can be used to make changes to your Screens and Metrics. If the key is compromised, return to this tab and click Revoke to remove the key. You can then create a new key to replace the old one.

Once you have the key you can then use our API documentation to add your metrics. This documentation can be found in our DAKboard API Postman DocumentationHere you can see examples of how to run the API commands and the command you need to enter your Metric Data.

Using the Metrics Data Block:

Once you post your metrics to us, you can add the Metrics Data block to your Screens. This can be found in the Charts, Graphs & External Data section, or type the block title in the search bar.

Your metric name for your data will be displayed in the Metrics Dataset:

You can display the value as Text or in Gauge and you can set the Refresh Frequency:

Same as with fetch, you will find that DAKboard supports custom rules and additional formatting of data such as rounding and truncating. See our article External Data / Fetch - Formatting Options for more details.

You can send DAKboard up to 1,000 records per metric. Once this limit is reached, the oldest record will be deleted. 

NOTE: DAKboard metrics can take up to 30 entries per minute. If you are entering more data, then try staging the input to account for this rate.