DAKboard allows you to track your stocks with the Stock quotes block. You can use this article to learn how to set this up on your Custom Screens.


DAKboard's legacy financial integration provider IEXcloud, discontinued its services on 8/31/24, in preparation for their discontinuation of services the DAKboard team replaced the integration with another provider on 8/20/24. As a result of the provider change we have selected, only US-based exchanges will be available going forward. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.

This new provider supplies us with the US Composite (USCOMP) exchange. This is a combination of several US exchanges including but not limited to the following:


Your US-based exchange items should have converted automatically. If not you can recreate your block using the steps below.

Adding a Stock Quotes Block:

To add a Stock quotes block to your custom screen select Add a Block while editing your custom screen and search for Stock Quotes under the Financial section as seen below:

Configure your Stock Quotes block by clicking in the Add Symbols search bar and typing the name or symbol of the stock you want to add or using one of the Popular stocks we have preselected for you. See below:

Once selected, your selection will show at the top of the Symbols tab in the Selected Symbols section. You can remove any of these stocks by clicking the Minus symbol to the right of the stock page. See below:

Click "Save Changes and preview your screen:

Formatting Tab:

In the Formatting Tab, you can make modifications to how your Stock Quotes are displayed. Below is a list of all these customizations:

  • Change Indicator: This will allow you to switch the Increase or Decrease value between Percentage or Dollar amounts.
  • Scrolling: This will set your Stocks to scroll from the right to the left across your screen. 
  • Text: This allows you to set the Font type, its Size, its Color, and the Alignment in your block.
  • Background: This allows you to set a colored background to your Stock Block.
  • Block Title: This can be used to place a title on your block
  • Advanced: This is a new section on all Custom Screens Blocks. It allows you to change your block to a Linked Block and adjust the Size and Placement of your block. See below:

Once you have made your adjustments make sure you save your changes.

Schedule Tab:

This tab allows you to schedule when you can see this block. See our article Content Scheduling to learn how to use this tool.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Below are the most Frequently Asked Questions about the Stock Quote Block:

How Often Do the Stock Quotes Update?

Stock Quotes update once every 15 minutes During Exchange hours of 8:30 AM until 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. This is when the API we use allows us to place calls to the data. Once the Exchange closes, the API will only supply the last reported values until the next day.