Nutrislice is a great tool for schools and other organizations to provide online/digital menus for their students and staff. With DAKboard's Custom Screens in any of our Paid Subscription plans, you can display a menu from your School's Nutrislice on your DAKboard screen. Follow along below to learn more. 

First, find your desired menu on Nutrislice: When viewing the menu in a browser, see the URL. We'll need to copy a few pieces of the URL into DAKboard.

The Organization Name will be found before "" (highlighted below):

If you're using a custom domain, enter the whole domain in the Organization Name field, ie. Next, the Location Name can be found further in the URL (in the example below it is after /m/):

And lastly, the Menu Name is after the location name:

Each of these three names above should be copied/typed into DAKboard and will look like the following:

Save the changes and enjoy a menu up on your DAKboard screen!