If you have a personal weather station linked to WeatherUnderground, you can have your weather station data displayed on DAKboard.


Obtain an API Key From WeatherUnderground:

Navigate to:

You will then see a blank box below Your API keys.  Agree to the new Terms and Conditions by clicking in the small box next to I agree, click on the blue GENERATE box, and your new key will be created. 


The key will be masked on the screen, but you can use the Show link below the box to see it.  There is also another blue box, which, when clicked, copies the key to your clipboard.

Add your Station ID and API Key to DAKboard:

Add a WeatherUnderground block to your custom screen, then double-click it to edit it. Next, paste in your API key, and Station ID in the appropriate fields:

Configure any of the desired options and click the Save Changes button at the bottom. Lastly, preview your screen to view the weather data.