Notice of Support Failure:

A recent change from Twitter has caused this service to no longer function with DAKboard. The Embedding Option was disabled by Twitter. Until such time as they reenable this functionality the Twitter block will no longer be supported.

DAKboard supports embedded Twitter content from a Twitter user or a publicly available list.  This can be added via a Twitter block on your custom screens.

NOTE: Twitter no longer supports auto-refresh so the block will only automatically update once every 6 hours when our screen refresh occurs. You can manually refresh your screen to pull the latest updates from Twitter, but as of the writing of this article, Twitter will only allow 15 updates of this kind per hour.


Edit your desired screen, and add a Twitter block.


Linking a Twitter username is as easy as typing in the name into the link field, below we type in 'dakboard' as an example.  Resize the block to your desired size and we're done.


Twitter lists can come in one of two formats. Common name and ID:

Common Name Format- 

The Commonly named lists can be added to the Twitter link in your Twitter block the same way we add the username previously explained.  In the above example, it would be 'USERNAME/lists/example-twitter-list '

ID Format -

For lists formatted in an ID, we will need to identify the right URL by using Twitter's embed application.

Browse to and enter the ID URL into the embed field, copy the URL piece circled below that generates:

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